Saturday, May 16, 2020

Racism Argumentative Essay

What is racism? The typical dictionary would state it is the prejudice or discrimination that is directed against individuals with different beliefs or race. Unfortunately, racism can be seen almost everywhere.even in a high school. Teasing, name-calling, bullying, verbal abuse and exclusion – all these forms of racism can be nowadays observed in high schools, where all kinds of people – be it teachers, pupils or workers – face with negative effects of racism. Students representing different races find it extremely hard to make friends with their peers from the other â€Å"races circles†. When things like that happen, sociability is compromised, which means there is no social growth observed within the communities. One more reason why racism should be eliminated lies within the fact that some students reject their own parental and culture values. When being discriminated for their culture, students begin to make themselves fit the mainstream culture. As a result, they abandon their parental and cultural values just to avoid prejudice. This leads to the identity confusion. Young people don’t know who they are anymore and what place they really belong to. Racism has also been one of the core reasons of drop out cases at schools. Being discriminated, students start hating school and, as a result, stay away from it. They give preference to stay in rather than meet the ones who tease them. It’s no wonder that they end up dropping out of school. This, in turn, has a major negative effect on their lives. They end up getting frustrated and even involved on crimes in order to somehow make a living. Have the teachers been somehow affected by racism? Definitely. They are being teased either by the fellow teachers or students, and, as a result, they lose confidence in their professional ability to teach and passion for teaching. They end up with being unwilling to go to work and have a depression. This significantly lowers their academic performance that affects the education system, as a whole. This is one more solid argument why should racism be totally eliminated. You will be impressed to know that some people have tried to point out some positive sides of racism. According to the viewpoints of some of them, the racist experience can help an individual to grow into a stronger person. How do they argue this? To their mind, one can gain more pronounced resilience levels in the process of resisting and respond to the marginalization and discrimination. This argument has been an error from the very beginning. The thing is that racism has been proven to cause self doubts and low self esteem that can turn an individual into a weak and unhappy person. School teachers, students and their parents – they cannot become stronger and more successful as a result of racism. Therefore, racism is now one of the most crucial social vices and we must address it in the most serious way. Racism has become the reason of lower academic performance. Besides, it has also affected the health statement of its victims and highly compromised sociality in high schools. All the effects mentioned above have resulted in weak community – high school relations and poor educational segment. Without a doubt, it is highly important to take anti-racism measures in schools in order to prevent the sad racism cases in the future.

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